Wednesday 3 February 2016

Planning portfolio - developing ideas for Digital graphic

Planning portfolio – developing ideas for Digital Graphic


Task 1 – Developing ideas for digital graphic

I am designing a logo for my client who owns a company within the fashion industry. The logo I am making is for a clothing line. The logo is a Vxlca. I did logos that were similar to mine, which helped my research.  The similar which I used to compare my own logo was Burberry London. This one was very similar because it has the image on the top and then the company name on the bottom. Likewise with my logo, the crown which is my image is on the top, then the word on the bottom which is Vxlca.


The brand that I’ve decided to research and explain about is Louis Vuitton. This brand has a very similar target audience to me, which is why I’ve decided to research about it.  The target audience for my product will be for teens, male/females that like nice flashy and fashionable brands. The age for my product would probably ideally start from quite young like 11 year olds – 20 year olds probably. Because I reckon that’s a good age range. Their lifestyle would probably young, healthy and active. Their occupation would vary to be honest. They could have a part time job depending if they’re 16 year olds +. But they obviously won’t have a part time job if they’re under that age.  So it’s pretty much 50/50

My design/layout is basically a golden yellow crown then underneath that, the logo company name written prestige saying ‘Vxlca’. So the font will probably be in the adobe family, but it will be written bold but not italic. The mode of address would probably be formal. This is because my logo is quite prestige and formal.

The address mode for logo would be formal because the logo is quite posh with a little class of elegancy at its finest.  The font itself bestows a quite posh tone and manor.

Likewise with Louis Vuitton, I would say their address mode is very the same like mine. Because their logo is very posh and elegant.

The Psychographics for my logo is upper class. This is because my brand would be high up in the table of anarchy. In addition to this, the price would be expensive.

Hence why with Louis Vuitton, it would have the same psychographics as my brand. Expensive price, high up in the table of anarchy and so on.

 The format for my logo is jpeg, this is because I have done my research and found that most if not all logo’s are jpeg format type. Plus my logo looks better and has better quality as a jpeg format type.

Planning portfolio (nature of content)

Started – Date and Time
Date of completion
Nature of content
Initial idea development for high end fashion brand
Consideration of
Researching and explaining audience of high end fashion brand (    )
Layout design
To come up with a range of ideas of my client.
Input and manipulation of images
To develop my ideas to better my product, in order to come up with a result of final product for my client
Selection of style and tone
To complete my last draw, to my final ideas.