Thursday 3 March 2016


Evaluation – Logo (Scott)


In this assessment, we were asked to create an initial design for a company of my own choice.  So I decided to create a logo for my clothing line.  I had to take my audience in consideration for this task. My audience is roughly my age to round about 25 years old. The software I used first initially was Photoshop. But then my teacher said I should broaden my horizons and learn and use a different software. So I gave that thought into consideration and used adobe InDesign. To help me better understand my knowledge and understanding of logos. I did some research and compared my logos with professional logos.   


Talk about how effective you was your brief:

(Refer back to the brief)


I was very effective with my brief as I completed all the tasks that was set, this included the initial stages of my idea which were required was to establish a concept for of my digital graphic.  I had to explain my initial ideas, approaches and relevant research into similar graphics such as Louis Vuitton which is slightly similar to my own logo for my clothing line which is called Vxlca.  Once I have developed and established my initial concept, I am to address the following planning and design areas as part of the planning portfolio.


How far you come with your level of skill with InDesign have, is your work up to professional standard?

Since I have been using Photoshop, my skills and understanding has widened a lot.  I learnt many things such as how to crop really hard pixelated images. I was also consistent with adobe InDesign too also. At the start I was never very confident when using adobe InDesign.

Although, there was a time when something actually went wrong. The only thing that was a bit of a problem. This would have to be how time consuming it was.

Have you been consistent you were using the software?

I have been very consistent with the use of the software. The software I was consistent was with adobe Photoshop. This is because I am used to using Photoshop and have used it for years and years.

Have you maintained the level of work?

I have maintained the le

(Refer back consideration bit)

Have I been consistent with blogging?

Talk about file formats and how it’s helped you with your digital graphic (what you learnt about)

Talk about Prezi presentation


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